Saturday, May 29, 2010

And I failed... again

I created this blog because I didn't keep up my old one.

My goal was: Update this blog once a month

I have failed.

I didn't post even once during the month of April.
I feel I have let down my readers, but I've probably only let down myself. I have no idea how many people actually read this blog. Maybe I'm just posting on here for my own personal benefit. If I'm able to keep it up, it gives me the feeling that I can accomplish things. I also like to practice my writing skills.
So, if you read my blog, I hope you enjoy it at the very least. I also hope I haven't let you down in any way by missing my April post.
As it is, I am barely scraping the May post. It is after all Memorial day in just 2 days: the end of May. Oh my!
Where is this year going?

Anyway, I feel the need to update you (whoever you are) on my life.

I am still taking Japanese. I am nearing the end of this term and I'm nervous for my final. I shouldn't be nervous. I always do well. But I forget that.

I took an archery class for a few weeks. It was interesting. I say "interesting" because I'm not exactly sure how good I am. One day I get 6 bulls eyes in a row. The next, every shot I have is a foot away from my target. What happened there?
Nevertheless, I am going to try and continue archery in the fall.

Summer is getting closer. I feel like I'm looking forward to it even more than previous years. Though I have no idea why that is. Maybe because it's going to be full of all kinds of enjoyable activities.
In June, I'm going to a Christian leadership camp. Very cool. I enjoy leadership, so I can't wait for this chance to grow in those skills. I also get to see a very good friend of mine: a seminarian I met on a mission trip last summer.
Speaking of mission trips, I have another one in July! This year, we're going to Seattle. Yes, you can find poverty even there. I'm looking forward to helping the community up there. I'm also designing our team's t-shirt with another friend of mine.
In August, I get to go to a horse camp. I am very excited about that because I haven't been horseback riding in a *very* long time.
Between all these activities, I have also landed myself a summer job. I'll be working an office job, transferring patient files at a physical therapy place. Woo, exciting. But hey! It pays!
And when I'm not being a leader, a missionary, a horseback rider, or an office worker, I'll be hanging out with friends. I have great aspirations for coffee and jamba juice trips.

So there it is. My summer is chock full of randomness. And as a good friend of mine says, "randomness is the spice of life."

Looks like a spicy summer this year!

Hopefully, I won't be too busy to update my lonely blog. Even if I'm only writing to myself. Hmmm... hey. If you read my blog, leave a comment on this post.

Hope your summer is great! Have fun with swimming, jamba juice, beach trips, and popsicles... plus more!