It's been one week since my post informing you all that I had a cold. My goodness it seems longer. In any case, I am happy to announce that my health has improved. Gone are the head aches and sore throats. All that's left is a little sniffle, which is always somewhat welcome to me, considering it is a factor that accompanies my favorite season: fall.
I recently wrote an essay about fall for a writing class I am doing. The essay informs the reader of certain attributes of fall that make it wonderfully unique. If you are interested in reading a copy of it, feel free ask and I'll be happy to email it to you.
Now, one attribute of fall is just around the corner... Halloween is drawing near! People are scrambling to finish costumes (or come up with one), buy candy for trick-or-treating, and get pumpkins to place on the porch.
These past few years, I have come up with the most bizarre costumes: a baked potato, a baby bottle, an old lady, gas-station Barbie, and most recently -- a garden gnome. All these costumes have been fun and none of them have failed me a "best costume" award, but I felt this year I wanted to do something a little less crazy.
I was brainstorming ideas: a Gothic princess, a medieval maiden, etc. but none of the costumes would be very reusable. I was beginning to despair when suddenly, I had it. An 80s girl! It would be perfect. Not something too crazy, and not something common like a vampire or a pirate. I began to find things that would work for the costume. I have a pair of black leather boots and a black leather skirt. They would work great. But what to wear as a top? The answers to my questions resided in my mother's closet. I had to go look.
"Mom? I figured out what I'm going to be for Halloween... an 80s girl! But I need some stuff for my costume, so can I look in your closet?"
"Sure," she responded.
I found what I was looking for. A yellow collared shirt and a brightly colored knit sweater. My mom also helped me go through her jewelry to find some clunky earrings and a necklace. I tried on the whole thing. My mom remarked that I looked like a popular girl from the 80s.
She offered to look for her college year books to show me more examples of what people wore. I don't know if the fact that I was making a *Halloween costume* out of something that people wore 25 years ago amused her or made her cringe. Maybe a little bit of both.
I'm going to a Halloween dance next week and plan to wear the costume then. There will be a costume contest with several winners such as: scariest costume, most creative costume, prettiest costume, and silliest costume. My mom thinks I should get the award for scariest costume.
I guess the moral of the story is: don't remind your mother of fashion trends from her college years. Hee hee.
Anyway, that's all that goes on plus more!
Great post. I'd love to see pictures of all of those costumes!